Three Hundred Thousand Souls

Three Hundred Thousand Souls is written documentation of a sound art performance created by Joe Summers and Joe Vaughan.

Drawing inspiration from Aztec poetry, the philosophy of acoustic community and the history of Slovenian dissent, the artists performed on the streets of Ljubljana, Slovenia. They broadcast their noise via a handmade radio transmitter to an audience watching through binoculars from the castle that stands many hundreds of metres above the city. The performers read poetry over the clashes and static of hand made electric instruments. The noise of the city clattering upward with the distorted tunes, to the castle.

This book is an extension of the ideas, structures and geographies that inspired the work, as well as an act of poetic remembrance for the process of its creation and the friends, allies and guides who nurtured it into existence. Just as a radio may facilitate the migration of song across distance, so too does the written work allow art to travel across time.

The artists worked in partnership with Cirkulacija 2, Ljubljana.

The book is published by Strange Region.
